Letter from R. Taylor to R. C. Taylor, 1862 March 27
Written from Norfolk, Virginia. Letter introduces Thomas A. Stevenson to Major Taylor and recommends him for drillmaster duties.
- 1862 March 27
From the Collection: 5 items
Hd. Qrs. 2d Brigade Vol.
Norfolk, Va. March 27th, 1862
Major R. C. Taylor
Comg. & c Georgia Barracks
I beg to introduce to your acquaintance for assignment to any duty you may think proper Cadet T. Andrew Stevenson of the Virginia M. Institute. He is anxious to render some service to the Confederacy and desires to avail himself of the furlough which has been granted him to assist you in the drilling and organization of the troops under your command.
I am Major,
Very truly & c,
R. Taylor
Norfolk, Va. March 27th, 1862
Major R. C. Taylor
Comg. & c Georgia Barracks
I beg to introduce to your acquaintance for assignment to any duty you may think proper Cadet T. Andrew Stevenson of the Virginia M. Institute. He is anxious to render some service to the Confederacy and desires to avail himself of the furlough which has been granted him to assist you in the drilling and organization of the troops under your command.
I am Major,
Very truly & c,
R. Taylor
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