Lee E. Langford diary
Identifier: MS-0470
This collection consists of one diary kept by VMI Cadet Lee E. Langford (VMI Class of 1930) during the period of January to June 1927. Short daily entries document the typical routine and events of cadet life during the late 1920s.
- 1927
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Manuscript collections in the VMI Archives are made available for educational and research use. The VMI Archives should be cited as the source. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any copyright holders. Materials from our collections may
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1 Linear Feet : approximately 100 pages
Biographical / Historical
Lee Eagle Langford (1908-1956) matriculated on September 13, 1926 from New York City, New York. He did not graduate VMi and dropped from rolls on June 11, 1930. He later served in World War II and had a career in civil engineering.
Physical Location
Manuscripts Stacks
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gift of Raymond W. Marsh.
Repository Details
Part of the Virginia Military Institute Archives Repository